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A member registered Aug 25, 2017

Recent community posts

Thank you soooo much!!! 

So you cannot romance your host, right?

does anyone know the songs used in the game?

  Don’t be sorry ❤️ I know the game is worth the wait. I’m sending you love rn ❤️❤️❤️

Is the game still getting released today?

have you guys stopped making this?

Sure!! ^^

1. I couldn't finish the game unfortunately ): The icon for inventory disappeared.This happened when I pressed esc to get to the menu. I closed and opened back up the game, but it wouldn't return.

2. Nope, everything was smooth sailing :D

3. Iggs was a MAJOR help. I couldn't have got that far without him

Is this game still in development?

The creator stated that  "

Game done! Just need to wait on some confirmation and tax related issues from steam to upload the game. The new PV is done too! 
I want to thank you all for being patient and supporting the game. As sad as it sounds, this game is what held me together during my struggle with depression and my BPD, so really, I thank you a lot because you guys liking the posts and asking about the game made things better for me. 
Thanks to my team as well for being so patient with me, I know I can be quite crazy at times. Thanks for everything, Truly!

See you soon in steam!" On 8/20